exams comin..its nxt week..can u imagine..recently i hvt been blogging due 2 projects la blablabla..yst went for grandma b'day.as usual i dun lyk feel uncomfortable i jus dun understand y moi aunts all nt rich and yet still wannna act high class..it jus dun suits them..think of moi cousin weddin which is on 16dec i had 2face them again..nvm tis time i noe wad 2 wear liao..i am gg 2 buy those lantern type of dress..2day jen,sharon,cat,alice,ann and jason so fortunate cos moi mummy make potato salad for them..haha..den 2day cat brought me a box of fake nails..yes!!thanks!!aft moi exam and moi attachment den i can put on fake nails liao..tis few days i haf took quite some pics of them..duno y i think life will be terrible witout them..they might be irritatin at times but they jus wun fail 2 bright up moi days..haha...we even plan tt aft exam tt day we will go shop den go watch movie..so nw i mus start 2save money liao..ya tis fri jen and sharon will pei wo go amk hub interview for the levis!!haha!!!help me pray tt they will employ me k?cos i simply love levis 2bits!!ya moi jie so cute la..ask me wad present i wan..den i jus tell her i wan addidas bag..haha..den she say ok she gib me money buy...whoo!!
-addidas bag
-Nike bag(the black shiny)
-Diorlight(make up necklace)
-m)phosis sandal
-tube dress(lantern pattern)
-Dior logo
-sweet case ear ring(SWATCH)
-m)phosis leggings(black and blue)
-Little miss stubborn(junk food)
-skinny jeans(red,grey and white)
-belt(punkie punkie)
-longer hair
-soft rebondin
-more stylo hair
-slim dwn(dun wan 2 be double cheeseburger)
fine i noe tt i am greedy..haha..but who cares..i dun gib a damn..ok heres some pics of wad i haf taken..
moi mum wearin black and her sis and bro
us sittin at the steps near the 75steps stairs waitin for jason
alice me and jen(taken durin NSL)whose neck is it??its sharon de..
we try again tis time wif her..
finally nice pic of us but i nt pretty in tis pic la..
sharon me and ann wif babies..haha..see i stretch moi hand 2 the extend jus 2 take tis pic
y the baby face cannot see..ann duno how 2 carry baby..but i look pretty in tis pic..
liyana cannot tahan she help us take..haa..i look so innocent..
taken 2day..me and ann...
argg they suggest 2 take when i am enjoyin eatin moi chocos..caught me eatin away..so sinful!!somemore i still havin cough..nvm as long as piggy duno can le..haha..
tis is taken on fri aft studyin in sch till 6+ or 7+ i too hungry so go atrium buy bread eat..while happily eatin moi last bite i force moiself 2 chew the last big piece jus 2 prove 2 sharon tt moi mouth is big..end up i stuff the bread in i cant chew den almost get choke den she took tis unglam pic..nvm i dun care =P
tml i will be damn tired..stayin back aft sch even thou sch starts frm 8 till 6pm..stayin back 2 do revision..its mugging time.. T_T Piggy i miss u.. T_T
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